Thursday, September 06, 2007

de, a black swastika was spray-painted on a fence outside the Oceanside Jewish Center on Brower Avenue, and another at the nearby Temple Avodah on Oceanside Road. No arrests had been made by late Wednesday.

"Anything that has to do with Nazi symbols is very frightening to Jews," said Leonard Lerner, the center's executive director.

In the winter of 2003, the center and temple were subjected to similar attacks, when harassing calls were made and a swastika was stomped out in the snow.

"Unfortunately, there are various synagogue locations where we've had incidents like this and ... many of these cases go unsolved," Shapiro said.

Erich Gliebe, a chairman for the West Virgina-based National Alliance, said the group believes in white separation, not in spreading hate.

"We are deeply saddened that someone would do this. These acts are senseless," Gliebe said, adding that members live across Long Island, New York City and New York State.